Like thousands of others, I’m heading off to university this
autumn. Also like thousands of others, I have no idea what I’m letting myself
in for. Thus, I’ve created a helpful guide to getting through the first few
weeks as a fresher- I know about as much as you do so at least we can look
foolish together.
1. Sort Out your Finances Early: Although
overdrafts may seem scary (who even knows what they are anyway?), they can
actually come in pretty handy when your rent’s due and you’ve had one to many
nights out on a bender. Banks are like poachers for students as they are
expected to earn a higher salary than average when they graduate (expected being the operative word) and
stash their millions with them. Make sure you shop around before deciding on a
bank. More information about student bank accounts and overdrafts, as well as a
shortlist of the best student accounts, visit
Stick with your normal bank account before deciding a week before you head
off to university that as a student, a student bank account would probably be
2. Get Your Packing Done Early: It might
be hard to believe, but packing a year’s worth of stuff for uni is a bit
different to packing for a two week holiday in Menorca. Although it’s boring to
buy and pack, essentials such as pots, pans, and yes, even toilet roll, are
necessary. Avoid buying in bulk too- they’ll be plenty of shops near your
a list of things to take to university, visit
Decide to pack a few days before you head off, when neon glow sticks take
presidency over coat hangers.
3. Pay a Visit to your University: If you
don’t live too far away from your university, take a trip down there to remind
yourself of the campus. It probably looks a lot different from that time it was
crawling with only the enthusiastic students at the open day a year ago. Some
universities will even let you see the accommodation you will be staying in. It
will give you and your parents’ peace of mind- trust.
Drag your family all the way from Cornwall to the University of Edinburgh
for you to say “it’s just how I remembered it, shall we go back home now?”
1. Don’t
Leave Your Parents at the Door: They have nurtured and raised you for the
past 18 years, so you may as well take them out for lunch. If not the whole
shebang, then at least let them help you unpack.
Say “okay then Mum and Dad, bye,” followed by slamming the door in their
face to try and be cool in front of your new flatmates, when really you’re just
trying not to tear up at the prospect of the parents leaving you to fend for
2. Freshers’ Week is Crazy, but Be Sensible: No
parents, alcohol and a thousand other rowdy teenagers is as good excuse as any
to go bonkers. But don’t use it as an excuse to act like an idiot- an actual
idiot, not a funny one. So, just because uni students are expected to drink
until they’re blue in the face and eat microwave pizza every day, doesn’t
actually mean you have to.
Be that person. No one wants to
be that girl or guy that gets so drunk they can barely
stand, and then, in the words of the wise Katy Perry, “going to bed with a 10
and waking up with a 2” Although it may seem like fun at the time, it really, really won’t come the morning after.
3. Be Super Friendly: Even if in real
life, you’re a super bitch, now is the time to let that go in order to make new
friends fast. Invest in a doorstop so your new flatmates are free to wander in
and say hello. Offer to make the tea- tea is a great bonding stimulant. If you’re
really feeling like putting the effort in, bake some cookies. Who doesn’t love
free food?
Stay in your room like a hermit crab waiting for the strange people who are
inhabiting your space to leave- get the awkward part over with now and the rest
will fall into place.
4. You’ve Got Time: Meaning you don’t have
to join every single society and go to every single freshers event, your energy
levels, not to mention you’re bank balance will suffer.
Feel the need to participate in everything. I’m sure the Star Wars society
won’t mind if you miss Jedi Night.
5. Have Zero Expectations: It’s hard to
remain completely neutral but when it comes to completely alien situations like
these, don’t expect the worst or the best. Expect nothing- if you predict that
your flatmates are going to be your friends for life, you’ll only end up sadly
mistaken when you realise you can’t stand being in the same room as them. Don’t
listen to what everyone else says, everyone has their own unique university
experience, so try and enjoy it before the debt starts to roll in, hey?
Good Luck at University!
Love Georgia x
Still stressing? offers great
tips on everything from freshers’ week to money troubles.