I’m going to my first festival
this summer and have no idea what to wear. Help!
Emily, via e-mail.
Firstly, you lucky so and so are going to a festival this
summer, making the rest of us (i.e. me) extremely jealous. Secondly, I believe
what you are referring to Emily is “festival chic,” as all the hip and
happening fashionistas are calling it. Obviously, you are bound to encounter
all types of weird and wonderful styles at festivals, partly because who gives
a damn about what they wear when their clothes are only likely to get covered
in mud and stale beer? Anyway, I find there are five distinct styles that
people use as they’re go to festival looks, and you can spot them from a mile
off. So, without further ado, here’s how to do “festival chic.”
Little Miss Quirk: The quirky 'n' cute look is often adopted by try hard festival goers, complete with fairy tutu and grunge boots- and most probably a tiara or something, because that's just "totes original." TOP AND SKIRT: Topshop. BOOTS: Next NECKLACE: Handmade BRACELET AND EARRINGS: Punky Allsorts BAG: Next |
The 'Down to Earth' Celeb: You know the type. The celebrities that turn up to festivals but "no paparazzi please!" Yet, in the event of the press turning up, they keep bang on trend with clashing prints and bare feet because "I'm just a regular gal." TOP: New Look SHORTS: River Island |
The Hippie Dippy: Ah, the classic 60s flower child look revived for all you 2014 wannabes. You'll often find them with a flower wreath around their heads dancing around a field to Florence and the Machine (or are they not cool anymore?) DRESS: New Look BOOTS: Next NECKLACE and KIMONO/JACKET THING: Forever 21.
The Hollywood Princess: Just flown in from St. Tropez dahhling complete with suitcase for all her Chanel handbags. TOP: Topshop SKIRT: New Look SHOES: Dorothy Perkins HAT: Marks and Spencer's. |
The Virgin Festival Goer: If, by some miracle come payday I could actually afford to go to a festival, this is the look I would opt for. Simple, low maintenance and all off the high street. SHORTS, TOP, HAT, KIMONO: Forever 21 SHOES: Converse. |
The Resident Rebel: They've got festivals down to such a fine art that they're now bored with the whole process. Complete with parka, practical boots and cat t-shirt because that's "so ironic."HAT: Matalan PARKA and TOP: H&M SHORTS: New Look BOOTS AND SCARF: Mum's wardrobe.
Happy Festival-going!
Love Georgia x
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