Without further ado, here are the 39 stages all students go through whilst revising,
featuring the comedic gold that are Ed Miliband's facial expressions. (And yes, I spent more time on this than my actual revision. I regret nothing.)
1. Okay, today's going to be productive, time to revise.
2. Wait, five more minutes.
3. Shit, I slept in.
4. Before I do anything brash, coffee. Always coffee.
5. Books are out, so I guess I should study this module first? Or maybe the other one because my exam for that one is sooner.
7. This is proving difficult, maybe not
8. Is there a subject that involves colouring in and lots of mind maps? Because I like colouring in.
9. Wait, I didn't take geography
10. And you can't colour code the quadratic equation.
11. I'm doing a mind map and it's going to be epic.
12. Is it lunch time yet?
13. No? Are you sure?
14. I've just spent three hours creating a mind map.
15. Yet I know nothing.
16. YASSS lunch time.
17. I might watch a bit of Vampire Diaries during my lunch break, just to take the edge off.
18. I accidentally watched six episodes of TVD, damn you Netflix and your countdown to the next episode.
19. I really need to get back to revision
20. But I'm kinda hungry again, got any snacks?
21. Raisins are not a snack, cake is a snack. Cake is brain food, haven't you heard?
22. WOO I made some notes!
23. Notes that I already wrote out once last week and totally forgot about
24. I am a legitimate idiot.
25. I did a practice paper, scored 89%, #winning
26. Oh wait, I calculated that wrong. I scored 48%.
27. Christ, I need more coffee.
28. God, I hate revising.
29. *Sends tweet about how much I hate revising*
30. It's 7:00pm, how the hell did that happen?
31. Dinner Time, I don't know about you but I think I deserve a takeaway.
32. Maybe just a bit of revision before bed...
34. I could stay up and revise...
35. Or I could sleep now and get up early to revise
36. Alternatively, I could do neither.
37. I am the world's worst student.
38. I quit
39. Seriously, what is life.
If Ed doesn't help you feel better about the trauma that is revision, then you are a lost cause, my friend.
Good Luck and as always, thank you for reading!
Georgia x
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