Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Your Christmas Dilemmas Solved!

True it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also filled with more stress and drama than you can shake a candy cane at. As it’s also a time of good will and all that, I answer your Christmas dilemmas. Kind of like an agony aunt but drunk and disorderly.

 Do I really need that second mince pie?
The short answer is yes, yes you do. Everyone knows that food eaten over Christmas doesn’t actually count. It’s the only time of year where you don’t have to cower in shame as you work your way through the majority of the Quality Street box. I’m also pretty sure there’s an unofficial rule that states exercise and ‘healthy eating’ (whatever the hell that is) is banned during the holidays. If you don’t have a stomach cramps and can physically remove yourself from your seat after dinner, you’re doing Christmas wrong.

How do I keep from dying of embarrassment due to the antics of drunken relatives?
I personally think that drunken relatives are hilarious. They’re only embarrassing if people outside of your family know you’re related to them. Obviously, it depends on the extent of the embarrassment. Singing loudly to ‘Fairytale of New York’ is all well and good, but when Uncle Jim starts pelting mince pies at passers by, it’s time to lay off the Bailey’s.

How do I keep a straight face whilst opening really awful presents?
Showing gratitude for a present that you really, really didn’t want is an art which takes years to perfect. The best guide to adhere to is as follows: 1. Don’t stare at the gift for too long, it makes it seem like you’re inspecting it with the hope of finding something nice to say about it, which can be near enough impossible in the worst case scenarios. 2. Don’t make passive comments such as “oh, um…thanks Aunt Jean,” instead show how enthusiastic you are about being the proud new owner of that post it note holder, e.g. “Now I finally have somewhere to put my post it notes!” If this plan falls through and they suspect your dislike, just yell “ABORT, ABORT” and get out of there as quickly as possible.

The In-Laws
Not being married myself, I can’t help you much on this one. I think the general consensus is to keep your head down, awkwardly laugh at the Father- in laws sometimes racist jokes and pretend not to die inside every time the mother in law asks when you’re giving her grandchildren.

Board Games vs. TV
Both enticing prospects, but when you’re only options are Monopoly or the EastEnders Christmas special, you wondered why you bothered making an effort in the first place. Board games are more likely to end in a break out of World War III, but vegetating in front of the TV is mind numbing and kind of defeats the object of this so called “family time.” A happy medium is to watch TV whilst playing board games, then when you get bored of your Dad cheating at Scrabble, you can pretend to be a character in Downton Abbey for a little bit.

Boxing Day Sales- Yay or Nay?
In other words, would you rather spend your Boxing Day elbowing vicious shoppers in M&S or eating the entirety of a Cadbury’s Milk Tray in your onesie? Thought so. Moving on.

Do I risk doing the bulk of my shopping on Christmas Eve?
Approach this with extreme caution. If you’ve ever been out shopping on Christmas Eve, it’s like a parade of last minute Joes running around House of Fraser like headless chickens pleading with the sales assistants “What do you mean you've run out of Chanel no.5?!” More than likely, the most gift worthy item you’ll find on Christmas Eve is a sausage roll from Greggs.

How do I cope with post-Christmas blues?
The emotional process of post-Christmas blues is like mourning the death of your dead hamster, its life was fleeting- it scuttled around quickly and ate too much, but you enjoyed it whilst it lasted. January is awful, there’s no doubt about it. I personally think that we should be allowed to stay in bed for this entire month to recover from the festive period, but until I am elected Prime Minister, you’re going to have to stop wearing your Christmas jumper and listening to I Wish it Could be Christmas Everyday on repeat well into January.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year! 

Love Georgia x 

Check back soon for; 

Netflix Reviews 

More How To Guides

& other ramblings. 

Why not stalk me on social media? 

Twitter: Just_GeorgiaSD

Instagram: sunshine_1396 

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Time to SHIFT!

One of the reasons that I have the tendency to be a tad lazy with this blog, (apart from the fact that procrastination takes up way too much of my time) is my involvement with SHIFT, an online journalism project written and produced by myself and other talented young journalists. With a new article everyday, SHIFT aims to encourage a shift in topic, opinion and perspective amongst its readers. So if you are dying to read more of my ramblings, as well as some proper serious journalist-y style articles visit our website, like us on Facebook  and follow us on Twitter.

Thank you guys for your support!

Love Georgia

Diary of a Fresher: 10 Things Every Fresher has Learnt since Starting University

1.       The Distance From your Bed to Your Lecture Room seems so far away:

Remember that 7:00 am bus ride/walk you used to take in order to get to school? Braving the cold, the wind, the ice- whatever the weather? Now, the sun is shining and your lecture room is 5 minutes away- yet the prospect of moving from your bed seems as daunting as being asked to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. So you decide to give it a miss, where the furthest distance you’ll be making all day is reaching for the TV remote.

2.       All sense of motivation has evaporated:

When you arrived at university, you were pumped and ready to go. You were going to work hard and you weren’t going to miss any lectures or seminars. Now you’ve found that left to your own devices, you can barely bring yourself to write the date on the top of your page. You’ll find yourself asking questions such as “why am I here?” and “what’s the point?”- not forgetting the constant dilemma about should I/should I not go to my lecture. The answer is usually no, and the guilt plagues you for the rest of the day. But hey, at least you were able to catch up on that episode of Breaking Bad.

3.       The concept of meal times have become non-existent:

So you roll out of bed at 11:00 and have a lecture at 13:00. Is it breakfast or lunch time? If you have a cereal does that count as breakfast? What if you have cereal now and then a cheese toastie at 12:00? Or is that too soon to eat lunch? Just some of the many thought processes of the topic that most occupies the student mind: food. As a general rule, follow the “three hour rule,” a product of my flatmate’s ingenious where you leave at least 3 hours in between each meal. So then you don’t feel like a pig.

4.       Cards Against Humanity is hilarious whilst drunk:

If you weren’t aware, Cards Against Humanity is a popular card game amongst students where players match a black card and a white card to make a funny/totally inappropriate sentence. Played sober it’s funny, played with a double vodka and coke in hand it’s hysterical- to the point where you may have to go away for a while.


5.       You’ve become a bit too comfortable around your flatmates

It seems like yesterday you were all sat round a table- forced to make conversation with each other, because by some cruel twist of fate- you’ll be living with these people for the next year. Now you all feel comfortable making inappropriate sex jokes and lounging around in your Team Edward PJs (just me? Okay…) you’ve all started to communicate via strange noises and useless emojis on Whatsapp. It’s a bizarre social set up, but it works.



6.       You’ve starting using phrases you never have before

Like anywhere, if you stay in one place for too long, you pick up a few things along the way. Words that you hate yourself for saying but you still say them at every opportunity; my personal favourites being “legit” as in legitimate. This is used to question everything e.g. “are you legit having pizza for breakfast?” See also “misc” as in miscellaneous, to describe anything ‘other’; e.g. “what biscuits are in the tin?” to which you answer “misc.”

7.       Everything can be prepared in the microwave

Your Mother taught you that the only use for the microwave was heating up leftovers and the occasional Chicago Town pizza. At university, the microwave is your go-to, because nobody’s got time to figure out how the hob works. From carrots to scrambled egg- it turns out almost everything can be cooked in a microwave. The dream is to prepare an entire roast dinner using only a microwave. Watch this space.

8.       Late at night is the most efficient time to write that gazillion word essay. Due tomorrow.

You’ve spent most of the day procrastinating and musing over that pile of work looming over you thinking “I’ll do it later.” Eventually, it gets to 10pm and you figure you should probably make a start on that essay that’s worth 60% of your grade. In these situations, you will realise that the library is your friend. You may as well move some supplies into the library in the meantime because you won’t be leaving any time soon. The record for time spent in the library at my university is two days straight. 0/10- would not recommend.

9.       McDonald’s is inevitably where you’ll end up after a night out.

You swore you wouldn’t do it, but after one too many jägerbombs and dancing until your thighs burn, you’re suddenly ravenous- and handy enough, McDonald’s is just around the corner. Without thinking twice, you’ve gone and ordered a Big Mac Meal, a strawberry milkshake, a McFlurry and a fruit salad bag, you know- just to balance all the junk out. And all you’re left with is a full stomach and no money left for the taxi home. Oops.

10.   University is surreal

It’s like this odd miniature society where you’re semi independent, but also have a cleaner that comes to do your kitchen every Monday. You whinge about lectures, you moan about essays and sometimes you just want to drop out and go home. But part of you also loves it- and doesn’t ever really want to leave.
This article is part of the "Diary of a Fresher Series"  as a product of  SHIFT UK, an online magazine encouraging a shift in topic, opinion and perspective. For more "Diary of a Fresher" articles as well as other brilliant articles, visit http://shiftukonline.wordpress.com/


Monday, 15 September 2014

How To #18: How To Prepare for University

Like thousands of others, I’m heading off to university this autumn. Also like thousands of others, I have no idea what I’m letting myself in for. Thus, I’ve created a helpful guide to getting through the first few weeks as a fresher- I know about as much as you do so at least we can look foolish together.

1.       Sort Out your Finances Early: Although overdrafts may seem scary (who even knows what they are anyway?), they can actually come in pretty handy when your rent’s due and you’ve had one to many nights out on a bender. Banks are like poachers for students as they are expected to earn a higher salary than average when they graduate (expected being the operative word) and stash their millions with them. Make sure you shop around before deciding on a bank. More information about student bank accounts and overdrafts, as well as a shortlist of the best student accounts, visit http://www.savethestudent.org/money/student-banking/student-bank-accounts.html


DON’T: Stick with your normal bank account before deciding a week before you head off to university that as a student, a student bank account would probably be ideal.


2.       Get Your Packing Done Early: It might be hard to believe, but packing a year’s worth of stuff for uni is a bit different to packing for a two week holiday in Menorca. Although it’s boring to buy and pack, essentials such as pots, pans, and yes, even toilet roll, are necessary. Avoid buying in bulk too- they’ll be plenty of shops near your university.


For a list of things to take to university, visit http://www.savethestudent.org/accommodation/what-to-take-to-university.html


DON’T: Decide to pack a few days before you head off, when neon glow sticks take presidency over coat hangers.



3.       Pay a Visit to your University: If you don’t live too far away from your university, take a trip down there to remind yourself of the campus. It probably looks a lot different from that time it was crawling with only the enthusiastic students at the open day a year ago. Some universities will even let you see the accommodation you will be staying in. It will give you and your parents’ peace of mind- trust.


DON’T: Drag your family all the way from Cornwall to the University of Edinburgh for you to say “it’s just how I remembered it, shall we go back home now?”




1.        Don’t Leave Your Parents at the Door: They have nurtured and raised you for the past 18 years, so you may as well take them out for lunch. If not the whole shebang, then at least let them help you unpack.


DON’T: Say “okay then Mum and Dad, bye,” followed by slamming the door in their face to try and be cool in front of your new flatmates, when really you’re just trying not to tear up at the prospect of the parents leaving you to fend for yourself.


2.       Freshers’ Week is Crazy, but Be Sensible: No parents, alcohol and a thousand other rowdy teenagers is as good excuse as any to go bonkers. But don’t use it as an excuse to act like an idiot- an actual idiot, not a funny one. So, just because uni students are expected to drink until they’re blue in the face and eat microwave pizza every day, doesn’t actually mean you have to.


DON’T: Be that person. No one wants to be that  girl or guy that gets so drunk they can barely stand, and then, in the words of the wise Katy Perry, “going to bed with a 10 and waking up with a 2” Although it may seem like fun at the time, it really, really won’t come the morning after.


3.       Be Super Friendly: Even if in real life, you’re a super bitch, now is the time to let that go in order to make new friends fast. Invest in a doorstop so your new flatmates are free to wander in and say hello. Offer to make the tea- tea is a great bonding stimulant. If you’re really feeling like putting the effort in, bake some cookies. Who doesn’t love free food?


DON’T: Stay in your room like a hermit crab waiting for the strange people who are inhabiting your space to leave- get the awkward part over with now and the rest will fall into place.


4.       You’ve Got Time: Meaning you don’t have to join every single society and go to every single freshers event, your energy levels, not to mention you’re bank balance will suffer.


DON’T: Feel the need to participate in everything. I’m sure the Star Wars society won’t mind if you miss Jedi Night.


5.       Have Zero Expectations: It’s hard to remain completely neutral but when it comes to completely alien situations like these, don’t expect the worst or the best. Expect nothing- if you predict that your flatmates are going to be your friends for life, you’ll only end up sadly mistaken when you realise you can’t stand being in the same room as them. Don’t listen to what everyone else says, everyone has their own unique university experience, so try and enjoy it before the debt starts to roll in, hey?


Good Luck at University!

Love Georgia x

Still stressing? www.savethestudent.org offers great tips on everything from freshers’ week to money troubles.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

How To #17: How to Become a Journalist

Tell people you want to be a journalist and you’re often met with raised eyebrows and passing “oh…wow” comments- and not in a good way. Next thing you know, they’re hiding their phones from sight in case you start hacking in to them and reveal they’ve slept with their swimming coach, or something. But that’s far from what journalism is actually about. On the one hand, it’s about hours so long you feel like you might as well set up a tent in the office, an endless supply of caffeine, and ruthless editing cuts. But it’s also about meeting people from all walks of life, a constant buzzing atmosphere and literally creating a story out of nothing.

This year, I participated in a News Academy summer school for News UK and, without sounding too much like an X-Factor reject, was one of the best experiences of my life. But there’s no use me telling you about how to be a journalist. That would be like asking Victoria Beckham to give you advice on plus size clothing. So, out of the kindness of my heart, I will share with you some of the top tips of getting into the industry by some of the best journalists in the biz:


Gemma Calvert of Fabulous Magazine- tips on how to do a good interview

·         Research is key- make sure you gain a good knowledge of the person you are interviewing

·         Note key details about your subject. For example, if you are interviewing a celebrity- what are they wearing? What are they eating? Do they come across as nervous or confident?

·         Never start off on the tough questions. Address the topic, and then ask about their general opinion.


Mick Hume, Editor of Spiked- how to write 

·         Accuracy: Write the facts and remember the five Ws- Who, What, When, Where and How. What do you know about it? How do you know about it? Use reliable evidence to prove this

·         Brevity- Don’t use five words when two would suffice- be short and snappy

·         Clarity- Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and then go back and tell them again.


These are just a few of the journalists that spoke to The News Academy last week, but I think the best advice about effectively getting a foot in the door comes Editorial Director of The Sunday Times, Eleanor Mills:

·         Be brave and keep pestering- persistence is key and is also recognised in the journalism industry.

·         Prepare to do what other people don’t want to do- that’s the only way you’ll get to do what you really want to do.


As for me, all I can say is the journalism industry is tough. There’s no doubt about it. But gain as much experience as possible, get your work out there and never give up.

Love Georgia x

For more information about The News Academy, visit their website at: http://academy.news.co.uk/



Thursday, 7 August 2014

How To #16: How To 'Loom'

Looming is the latest craze to hit today’s youngsters- so much so that it’s actually considered a verb- and has since spread, being popular amongst everyone from your neighbour to your grandma. You want to know how to do it, because you secretly think it’s pretty cool, but don’t want to ask your 7 year old cousin because that would be embarrassing. So, if you finally want to enter into the world of looming, follow this beginners guide. Nb: This is how to do the ‘Fishtail Loom,’ if you were hoping on a guide on making a loom dress and selling it for thousands on ebay, you are sadly mistaken.

Step One: Place first desired colour over two fingers in a figure of 8 shape.


Step Two: Place however many more colours desired over your fingers normally (i.e. not in the figure of 8 shape as above)

Step Three: Starting with the first band, take one side and stretch it over your finger, placing it between your two fingers. Repeat with the other side of the band. Repeat this process with the other bands, remembering to add more bands as you go and also stretching the loom occasionally for a neater outcome.

Step Four: When finished, use the pictured 'S' shaped clips to secure the loom at each end.

Ta Da!

So, was it all it’s cracked up to be? Although you may feel an embarrassingly proud sense of achievement when you have finished your loom creation, spending ages basically cutting off the circulation in your fingers with brightly coloured elastic bags does make you question your integrity and frankly, your worthiness as an adult.
Feeling adventurous? There are loads of tutorials on YouTube à
Loom Bands are on sale for £1 per pack at The Entertainer (UK only.) Other stores may vary.
As always, e-mail me your ‘How To’ suggestions at georgiasunshine429@gmail.com
Happy Looming!
Love Georgia x


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Thank You!


Not usually one for the soppy stuff- but just to thank all of you that have taken the time to read my blog. It hit 100+ views last week, and although it may not sound like much, I sure as hell am appreciative. So in commemoration, I made y’all a thank you note (hey, I never said I was creative.)

Also, I have added a ‘Reviews’ page which I plan to update monthly on everything from over hyped beauty products to god awful films. Talking of which, check out my first review of The Dawn of the Planet of the Apes- hopefully, it can hold your attention for longer than the film held mine.

Love Georgia x

Why not stalk me on social media? You can find me on Twitter at @Just_GeorgiaSD and on Instagram at sunshine_1396 or, click on the SM links above.

As always, feel free to e-mail me your 'How To' Questions at: georgiasunshine429@gmail.com

Thursday, 24 July 2014

How To #15: How to (not) Fail Your Driving Test

How To #15: How to (not) Fail Your Driving Test

Rather epically I might add. But of course, you don’t want to know how to fail like I did today. You want to pass with flying colours. So here are a couple of tips from a named and shamed driving test failure like myself.

1.       It’s not that big a deal: Although the build up to it was more stressful than both years of my A-Levels combined, the test is actually not too bad and over before you know it. Don’t think of it as a test, just think of it as someone verifying that you are a super fab driver and should totes be allowed out on the open road.

2.       Be Nice: Manners can get you everywhere. Although smiling sweetly if you accidently run over a small child won’t slide with the examiner, if you are nice and polite, they are more likely to forgive minor mistakes. This also goes for when you are debriefed- i.e. if they fail you, don’t shout abuse at them or indeed, slip them a couple of £20 notes in order for them to pretend they didn’t see you running that red light. Deal with your failure with composure and thank the examiner after the test ends, even if in your opinion, they were totally unfair.

3.       Check your mirrors for Pete’s sake: Those mirrors on your car aren’t actually there for you to reapply your lipstick. Who Knew? Examiners are really picky about mirrors so it would be dumb to fail over something you could have easily prevented just by checking them every so often.

4.       Don’t listen to other people’s horror stories: Most of the stories you hear are most probably hyped up. After all, the old “the examiner was totally horrible and unfair” excuse sounds better than “I forgot to stop at a zebra crossing and it was completely my fault” as it makes them sound like they are not to blame. You can share horror stories with people until you’re blue in the face, but it won’t prepare you for your own test, as it will be a unique experience to you.

5.       Don’t Blub: No one will have sympathy with you, and it’s pretty embarrassing for you on top of failing your test.

6.       Keep an eye on other road users: You see those moving things heading towards you? Yeah, they’re cars, which might as well be known as “death machines.” Therefore, it’s probably best that you don’t nearly crash into one and mumble a quick “sorry” to the examiner. Instant fail (case in point.)

7.       Manoeuvres are overrated: All the examiners care about is that you don’t hit the kerb, end up on the other side of the road or indeed, back into a poor cyclist. If your parallel park ends up a bit skew-whiff, it doesn’t matter. Who parks perfectly anyway, right? That’s what valet is for.

8.       Do I tell my parents now or wait until I get home: I’d wait till I got home. This gives you time to recover whilst not breaking down in hysterical tears. If you phone them and tell them you failed, this is often met with “no, you didn’t. You’re kidding with me aren’t you? You’re joking right?” By which point, you’ll want to disown your parents and move to a place where it is possible to travel everywhere via elephant.

9.       Nothing is as bad as it seems: It’s a cliché but it’s true. At least I hope so. So stop that application for a life time bus pass and book yourself another test. You have to leave 10 days between your first test and the next one, but pick yourself up and dust yourself off. On the bright side, imagine how skinny you’ll be from walking around everywhere- win!

Some fast facts to make you feel better:

Ø  A man from Stoke on Trent reportedly took his practical test 37 times. Therefore, you only have to be seriously worried when you reach test no. 36*

Ø  The practical test has a pass rate of just 53.8%*

Ø  The best drivers are those who pass the second time round (not a verified fact, but it made me feel better.)

Just Chill and drive safe, you’ll be great.

Love Georgia x



Don’t bog yourself down too much, but if you are still feeling anxious, this website has some tips:


Got a How To Question? Email me at georgiasunshine429@gmail.com 

Monday, 21 July 2014

How To #14: How To Do Festival Chic

 I’m going to my first festival this summer and have no idea what to wear. Help!

Emily, via e-mail.

Firstly, you lucky so and so are going to a festival this summer, making the rest of us (i.e. me) extremely jealous. Secondly, I believe what you are referring to Emily is “festival chic,” as all the hip and happening fashionistas are calling it. Obviously, you are bound to encounter all types of weird and wonderful styles at festivals, partly because who gives a damn about what they wear when their clothes are only likely to get covered in mud and stale beer? Anyway, I find there are five distinct styles that people use as they’re go to festival looks, and you can spot them from a mile off. So, without further ado, here’s how to do “festival chic.”

Little Miss Quirk: The quirky 'n' cute look is often adopted by try hard festival goers, complete with fairy tutu and grunge boots- and most probably a tiara or something, because that's just "totes original." TOP AND SKIRT: Topshop. BOOTS: Next NECKLACE: Handmade BRACELET AND EARRINGS: Punky Allsorts BAG: Next

The 'Down to Earth' Celeb: You know the type. The celebrities that turn up to festivals but "no paparazzi please!" Yet, in the event of the press turning up, they keep bang on trend with clashing prints and bare feet because "I'm just a regular gal." TOP: New Look SHORTS: River Island

The Hippie Dippy: Ah, the classic 60s flower child look revived for all you 2014 wannabes. You'll often find them with a flower wreath around their heads dancing around a field to Florence and the Machine (or are they not cool anymore?) DRESS: New Look BOOTS: Next NECKLACE and KIMONO/JACKET THING: Forever 21.


The Hollywood Princess: Just flown in from St. Tropez dahhling complete with suitcase for all her Chanel handbags. TOP: Topshop SKIRT: New Look SHOES: Dorothy Perkins HAT: Marks and Spencer's.

The Virgin Festival Goer: If, by some miracle come payday I could actually afford to go to a festival, this is the look I would opt for. Simple, low maintenance and all off the high street. SHORTS, TOP, HAT, KIMONO: Forever 21 SHOES: Converse.

The Resident Rebel: They've got festivals down to such a fine art that they're now bored with the whole process. Complete with parka, practical boots and cat t-shirt because that's "so ironic."HAT: Matalan PARKA and TOP: H&M SHORTS: New Look BOOTS AND SCARF: Mum's wardrobe.

Happy Festival-going!
Love Georgia x
Need help with a 'How To' Question? Keep those e-mails coming to: georgiasunshine429@gmail.com


Wednesday, 9 July 2014

How To #13: How to Do Summer (when skint)

How To #13: Things To Do this Summer if You’re Skint

Summer is nothing like it seems in the movies. Shocker. We plan road trips, late night beach parties and a girlie/lads holiday but in reality, it appears summer includes lying in until noon, the sofa and the TV becoming your best friend and an endless supply of Maryland cookies and Doritos. Whilst this may seem like heaven for the first week, there’s only so many old episodes of Friends one can take. And if, rather than central New York or London, you live in a quiet, rural area, where the greatest attraction is a field of cows, it can be difficult to keep yourself entertained. Thus, here are my top tips:

1.       Pass the time with Netflix- How to ruin your life for £5.99 a month. If you are a Netflix newbie, here are my top TV programmes to watch that will keep you entertained for hours:

·         Orange Is The New Black (if you are the only person who hasn’t seen this weirdly addictive comedy drama, you need to)

·         Friday Night Dinner (predictable comedy, but an easy way to pass the time)

·         Gossip Girl (an old favourite, something to do if all other avenues fail)

Visit www.netflix.com for a 30 day free trial


2.       It helps to have a friend that drives: if like me, you are licence-less having a friend that drives is brilliant. Just careful they don’t start doubling up as a taxi service as this can cause tension about petrol etc. Instead, offer to chip in to help pay for travel expenses.


3.       Take advantage of free festivals: If, also like me, you were too poor to afford Glastonbury this year and every other year before that, there are free festivals available. Although they are few and far between, they are out there. The Notting Hill Carnival is very fun although it can get crazy busy, so make sure you plan ahead.


Visit http://www.visitlondon.com/things-to-do/event/9023471-notting-hill-carnival-2014 for more information on the Notting Hill Carnival 2014 in London



4.       Get Creative- ugh, effort! It can however, be rewarding and you could even stumble across a masterpiece.  Some of the best inventions and creations were made when their creators were bored, apparently. So take advantage of your boredom and write the next Harry Potter or something.


5.       Get Fit: Go out for a run in the mornings, get ripped abs or body builder biceps. Why not get a bikini body even if you’re not even going on holiday, let alone wearing a bikini. Great fun, right?



6.       Fake It: So you’re skint and thus not going on holiday, but who else needs to know that? Get down to your nearest beach on a sunny day, snap some pictures to put up on Facebook and just pretend that you spent two weeks away in Barbados. Might need to get the fake tan on to make it look convincing though. No one has ever got a golden sun kissed tan from sitting on Brighton Beach.


7.       Bake!- Baking is fun and also takes up a lot of your time. It also gives you an excuse to stuff your face with the old, “well, it would be a shame to let it go to waste…”


Check out the food blogs on my Must Read Blog List or scour www.allrecipes.co.uk for all the best ideas and recipes.


8.       Explore the great outdoors- no one’s asking you to make your garden resemble something from the Chelsea Flower Show, just go out for a walk or a bike ride. You can forget how nice the area you live in is. Or, if you live in a not so nice area, just plug your headphones in and pretend you can’t hear the sirens and people yelling abuse at each other from across the street.


1.       DON’T procrastinate on Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites: then you just see all the fun things that everyone else is up to, only making you feel more depressed about your disappointing summer

2.       DON’T constantly tweet about how bored you are. No one cares.

3.       DON’T constantly ask your friends if they want to do something. If they haven’t got the message by the third text, they never will.

Have a lovely summer!

Georgia x